
Configure the services to monitor and what to notify/action when a new release is found.


  # As many of these (below) as you like, just ensure they have unique ID's
    comment: 'something about the service maybe?' # Optional comment about the service
      active: true               # Disable the service without removing it from config
      interval: 30m              # Interval between both `latest_version` and `deployed_version` queries
      semantic_versioning: true  # Repo follow semantic MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning
    latest_version:                      # Where and how to track the latest version of the service
      type: github
      url: release-argus/Argus           # Monitor this github repo
      access_token: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN  # Useful when you want to exceed the public rate-limit, or want to query a private repo
      use_prerelease: false              # Whether a 'prerelease' tag can be used
        - type: regex           # This searches the tag_names. The '$' is used to ensure the tag name
          regex: ^v?([0-9.]+)$  # ends in this RegEx and doesn't just omit a '-beta' or similar details
        regex_content: 'argus-{{ version }}.linux-amd64'        # Ensure the linux binary has been released before we
                                                                # are alerted about the new version
        regex_version: ^[0-9.]+[0-9]$                           # Version must match this RegEx
        command: ["bash", "", "{{ version }}"]  # Require this command to exit successfully
        docker:                                                 # Require this docker image:tag
          type: hub                   # Docker registry (ghcr/hub/quay)
          image: releaseargus/argus   # Docker image
          tag: '{{ version }}'        # Tag to look for
          username: USERNAME          # Username
          token: dckr_pat_TOKEN       # Token
    deployed_version:                   # Get the `current_version` from a deployed service
      method: GET                       # HTTP Method (GET/POST)
      url:  # URL to use
      allow_invalid_certs: false        # Accept invalid HTTPS certs/not
      basic_auth:                       # Credentials for BasicAuth
        username: user
        password: 123
      headers:                          # Headers to send to the URL (Usually an API Key)
        - key: Authorization
          value: 'Bearer <API_KEY>'
#     body: ""                          # Only available with POST deployed_version's
      json: data.version                # Use the value of this JSON key as the `current_version`
                                        # (Full path to the key, e.g. `data.version`, not `version`)
      regex: 'v?([0-9.]+)'              # Regex to apply to the data retrieved. Will run after the
                                        # JSON value fetch, or alone (if no JSON)
    notify:                             # Notifiers for this Service
        message: 'overriding template'
        message: 'overriding template'
    command:                         # Commands for this Service
      - ["COMMAND", "ARG1", "ARG2"]
    webhook:                               # WebHooks for this Service
        secret: 'service-specific secret'
      auto_approve: false                           # Whether approval is required for new versions in the Web UI.
      web_url: '{{ version }}'  # Overrides URL in the Web UI and can be used in the notifiers
      icon:            # Icon to use on the Web UI
      icon_link_to:             # Make the Web UI icon a clickable link to this


      active: false              # Disable a service without removing it from the config
      interval: 1h5m             # Query for a version change every 65 minutes
                                 # y=years, w=weeks, d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds
      semantic_versioning: true  # Whether to enforce semantic versioning on versions queried
                                 # (`url_commands` can potentially be used to format versions semantically -

Latest Version

Source to query for the latest version, github or url.

This will monitor the most recent ’tag_name’ that matches both your regex_content and regex_version at

It will go through each item in that list and try using ’tag_name’ as the version. It will run the url_commands on this version, check it with regex_version and then check the assets against regex_content. If all of these pass, that version will be used.

      type: github                       # The type of service to monitor
      url: OWNER/REPO                    # The GitHub repo to monitor
      allow_invalid_certs: false         # Whether invalid HTTPS certificates on the query site are allowed
      access_token: GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN  # Useful when you want to exceed the public rate-limit, or want to query a private repo
      use_prerelease: false              # Whether a 'prerelease' tag can be used
        - type: regex           # Since the above `type` is 'github', this searches the tag_names, so the '$' is used to ensure
          regex: ^v?([0-9.]+)$  # the tag name ends in this RegEx and doesn't just omit a '-beta' or similar details
        regex_content: 'example-{{ version }}-amd64'  # Release assets of a tag much match this RegEx for the new version to be
                                                      # considered valid (meaning alerts will fire). This RegEx runs against the
                                                      # version assets `name` and `browser_download_url`
        regex_version: ^[0-9.]+[0-9]$                 # Version found must match this RegEx to be considered valid
        docker:                  # Require a docker image:tag for this version to be considered valid
          type: hub              # Docker registry (ghcr/hub/quay)
          image: OWNER/REPO      # Docker image
          tag: '{{ version }}'   # Tag to look for
          username: USERNAME     # Username
          token: dckr_pat_TOKEN  # Token

The following is how you’d define a service to be monitored without using the GitHub API. (The key difference is that type is ‘web’ and url is a full HTTP(S) address with url_commands to scrape the version).


      type: web                    # Regular URL, not GitHub API
      url:  # URL to monitor
      url_commands:                # Commands to grab the latest version number
        - type: regex                             # RegEx type
          regex: go([0-9.]+[0-9]+)\.src\.tar\.gz  # RegEx to find the version. The most recent version download  is linked first
        regex_content: 'example-{{ version }}-amd64'  # URL queried must contain content with this RegEx for any new version
                                                      # to be considered valid (meaning alerts will fire)
        regex_version: ^[0-9.]+[0-9]$                 # Version found must match this RegEx to be considered valid



url_commands are defined in a YAML list, with them being executed in order starting from the top. There are (currently) three different types of url_command that can be performed:

    - type: regex
      regex: v([0-9.]+)$

This RegEx will return the submatch (the match in the bracket), so regex of ‘v([0-9])’ and text of ‘v1 v2 v3…’ would return 1 (index defaults to 0). To get the 2, you could either use an index of 1, or of -2 (second last match). The above RegEx is useful in places where they use the v prefix in their versions. Removing that helps in the majority of cases to make it follow semantic versioning.

Templating with RegEx

    - type: regex
      regex: ([\d-]+)T(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)
      template: $1T$2:$3:$4Z

This RegEx will template the submatches (the matches within the brackets) into the template string. For example, if the input text is ‘2024-01-02T03-04-05Z’, the above expression would convert it to ‘2024-01-02T03:04:05Z’. This functionality is useful in cases where the format of the deployed version differs from the format of the latest version. This ensures that Argus doesn’t treat them as distinct versions.

    - type: replace
      old: v
      new: ''

This command replaces old with new. e.g. the above would remove v

    - type: split
      text: test
      index: 0

This command will split on text and return index of that split. e.g. running this command on ‘1.2.3test’ with the above vars would return 1.2.3



URL queried must contain content with this RegEx for any new version to be considered valid (meaning alerts will fire)

    regex_content: 'example-{{ version }}-amd64'

Version found must match this RegEx to be considered valid

    regex_version: ^[0-9.]+[0-9]$

To run a command before considering a version valid, provide a require.command. This is in the same style as a command you can give to a Service (here). ({{ version }} will be converted to the latest known version)


    command: ["bash", "", "{{ version }}"]

To require a docker tag to exist before a version is considered valid, provide a require.docker. Tags of images on Docker Hub, GHCR and Quay can be checked.

The Docker Hub API allows access to public repos without auth up to a rate-limit. If you want to query more frequently, or need access to private repos, you’ll need to provide a username and token. A token can be optioned by going to settings->security and creating a new access token.

      type: hub
      image: OWNER/REPO
      tag: '{{ version }}'
      username: USERNAME
      token: dckr_pat_TOKEN

For Github’s container registry simply create a personal access token (here) with read:packages.

      type: ghcr
      image: OWNER/REPO
      tag: '{{ version }}'
      token: ghp_TOKEN

The Quay API allows access to public repos without auth up to a rate-limit. If you want access to private repos, you’ll need to provide a token. A token can be optioned by creating an Organization, going to its Applications and creating a new application. Go into that app and ‘Generate Token’.

      type: quay
      image: OWNER/REPO
      tag: '{{ version }}'
      token: v5ACkd33ynxq52dEFd9t3m943w59c2phzz37mrFx

Deployed Version

Track the version you have deployed and compare it to the latest_version.

Environment variables in the format ${ENV_VAR} can be used in the basic_auth.password, basic_auth.username, headers.*.key, headers.*.value and url fields.

    deployed_version:                        # Get the `current_version` from a deployed service
      method: GET                            # HTTP Method (GET/POST)
      url:       # URL to use
      allow_invalid_certs: false             # Accept invalid HTTPS certs/not
      basic_auth:                            # Credentials for BasicAuth
        username: user
        password: 123
      headers:                               # Headers to send to the URL (Usually an API Key)
        - key: Authorization
          value: 'Bearer <API_KEY>'
#     body: ""                               # Only available with POST deployed_version's
      json: data.version                     # Use the value of this JSON key as the `current_version`
                                             # (Full path to the key, e.g. `data.version`, not `version`)
      regex: 'v?([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)'  # Regex to apply to the data retrieved. Will run after the
                                             # JSON value fetch, or alone (if no JSON)
      regex_template: '$1.$2.$3'             # Template with the RegEx above to change the format of the
                                             # version tracked ($1 = first submatch, $2 = second, etc...)


Deployed version queries support both GET (default) and POST methods. With method: POST, you may give a body: str to be sent with the request.


Under command, you can give a list of commands (with or without arguments) to approve and run when a new release is found. The formatting of command is as a list of lists, for example:

  - ["COMMAND", "ARG1", "ARG2"...]
  - ["bash", "/opt/", "foo"]
  - ["bash", "/opt/", "bar"]

Dashboard options

      auto_approve: false                           # Whether approval is required for new versions in the Web UI, or whether
                                                    # WebHooks are automatically sent (required for their delay to be used)
      web_url: '{{ version }}'  # Overrides URL in the Web UI and can be used in the notifiers
      icon:            # Icon to use on the Web UI
      icon_link_to:             # Make the Web UI icon a clickable link to this


Without defining this var, the Web UI will link to url, but when this var has a value, the Web UI will link to that value. You could, for example use message templating, to use all/some variation of the version in this URL and make it link to the service’s changelog (which you could also link to in your update notifiers).

Last modified October 5, 2024: bump docsy from 0.9.1 to 0.10.0 (#70) (efd33c1)