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Keeping an eye on releases

Argus provides a way for you to monitor the versions of software and trigger alerts when a new release is been found. It provides a Web UI for your viewing pleasure, and this UI allows you to approve new releases which could, for example, send a GitHub-style WebHook to an AWX server to trigger a Playbook that updates to that new version. Alerts could also be in many other forms, e.g. gotify/slack/telegram.

Open Source

100% open source on GitHub. Contributions are always appreciated.

Monitor GitHub releases

Monitor releases of software to GitHub by simply providing the owner/repo. Private repositories can also be monitored by providing an Access Token with access.

Monitor web releases

Monitor releases of software by providing the website URL and regex for the latest version.


Alerting when a new release has been found. This can be done in many ways, e.g. discord, gotify, mattermost, pushbullet, pushover, slack, teams, telegram, with no (realistic) limit to the amount of messages that can be sent when a new release is found.


WebHooks can be approved (or auto-approved) and sent when a new release has been found.

Web UI

Web UI to visually see the latest versions for the software you’re tracking, as well as for approving the WebHooks for these new releases.